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굿 플레이스 시즌 1: 1화 굿 플레이스는 이상 무 (아래에는 내용이 포함되어 있습니다 스포 有)
01. Funnily enough, the first EMT to arrive was an ex-boyfriend of yours--
- Funnily enough, = 더 재미있는 것은~,
- EMT = (Emergency Medical Technician) 은 응급구조원을 뜻하는 약자
02. Each one contains exactly 322 people who have been perfectly selected to blend together into a blissfull harmonic balance.
- blissful = A blissful situation or period of time is one in which you are extremely happy.
03. But in each one, every blade of grass, every ladybug, every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents.
- calibrated = If you calibrate an instrument or tool, you mark or adjust it so that you can use it to measure something accurately.
04. You were all, simply put, good people.
- simply put = 간단히 말해서~
05. You know how some people pull into the breakdown lane when there's traffic?
- pull into the breakdown lane = 갓길로 끼어들다.
06. I'm not supposed to be here.
*많이 나오는 표현
07. Come on, I'm just asking you to fudge a little bit. You must've told a few white lies in your life.
- fudge a little bit = 적당히 얼버무리다. 얼렁뚱땅 넘어가다.
08. I had been an apprentice for over 200 years, and my boss has finally given me my first solo project.
- apprentice = An apprentice is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.
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